1、關于中國授權展 | Profile
Why China?
According to China Licensing Industry Report 2020, the total retail volume of licensed merchandise in China in 2019 reached USD 14.6 billion, 15.9% growth year-on-year. And the royalty fee of the industry amounted to RMB 3.82 billion.
China ranks the fifth largest licensing market in the world, only after US, UK, Japan, and Germany. Licensing business in China is expanding rapidly with huge potential.
Why China Licensing Expo?
The largest professional licensing exhibition in Asia, China Licensing Expo (CLE) is organized by the China Toy & Juvenile Products Association (CTJPA). The headline-hitting three-day B2B licensing networking event is widely recognized as the most effective network to promote brands, properties, characters and designs, to start and expand licensing businesses in China, by connecting the world’s most influential property owners and high quality consumer-goods manufacturers, licensees and retailers throughout the nation.
1)IP365X,全年365天的線上CLE | IP365X, online China Licensing Expo
“IP365X” belongs to China Toys and Juvenile Products Association. IP365X aims to bring together a wide range of licensors and licensees from various industries and resources, open up information barriers, solve the information asymmetry phenomenon in the field of brand authorization and effectively promote the commercial docking between various authorized IPs and authorizedenterprises。
2)IP授權生態圈賦能計劃 | China Licensing Ecosystem
IP授 權 生 態 圈 賦 能 計 劃 于2019年 由 中玩 協 品 牌 授 權 專 委 會 發 起,與26家行業 協 會 和 重 點 被 授 權 行 業 展 會 主 辦 方 戰 略 合作,培育市場的同時打通整個授權生態系統。2021年的IP授權生態圈賦能計劃將與多個被授權重點行業展會相結合,包括廣州美博會、成都糖酒會、中國(上海)文化會、中國(上海)百貨會等貫穿整年重點被授權行業頭部展會。
In 2019, we began to organize exhibitors to engage in trade fairs of various industries and 26 national industry associations with potential licensees. By collaborating with China International Beauty Expo, China Food and Drinks Fair, China Stationery Fair, and the China Daily-Use Articles Trade Fair in the forms of jointly held forums, exhibition pavilions and business matching events etc., we have enabled IP owners to connect with licensees with great efficiency.
3)品牌授權行業人才培訓 | Professional Talents Training Programs
-文旅部數字文化產業研修班 China National Training Program on Licensing
-中國品牌授權學院(線上+線下) China Licensing Professional Academy:online and Offline
-國家文物局文博體系品牌授權業務交流培訓 Licensing Training Program for Chinese Museums
-品牌授權學院校友會 Brand Licensing Academy Alumni Association
4)《中國品牌授權年度行業白皮書》 | China Licensing Industry Report
To promote the long-term and healthy developmentof licensing industry in China, the CTJPA Brand Licensing Council issues the China Licensing Industry Report.
-《品牌授權》CLE專刊 China Licensing Magazine CLE special issue
-CLE中國授權展官方微信公號 CLE Official WeChat account
-CLE中國授權展官網 CLE Official Website
-中國品牌授權EDM直郵 Chinese brand licensing Email Direct Marketing
-2000+篇國內外行業新聞話題報道 Over 2000 domestic and foreign industry news reports
-IP365X線上平臺 www.ip365x.com
7、IP主題沉浸式空間場景 | IP theme immersion space
-IP體育公園 IP Sports Park
-IP主題咖啡廳 | IP Theme Cafe
-文旅IP展示區 | Culture &Tourism IP Exhibition Area
-CLE中國授權金星獎展示區 | CLE China Star Award Display Area
-IP365X商貿對接區 | IP365X Business Matching Area
8、CLE中國授權周 | China Licensing Week
-中國品牌授權高峰論壇 China Licensing Summit (CLS)
-品牌授權學院校友交流會 China Licensing Alumni
-中國文旅地產創新發展高峰論壇 China Culture Tourism & Real Estate Innovation Development Summit
-IP授權賦能文化和旅游融合項目對接會 Matchmaking Meeting on Culture and Tourism Integration
-“IP無界 授羅萬象”T臺秀 “Boundless IP, Including Anything" Runway Show
-授權讓文博資源“活”起來交流對接會 Matchmaking Program on Museum Resources
-中國品牌授權學院初階授權經理人培訓 China Licensing Talents Academy
-CLE授權之夜暨CLE中國授權金星獎頒獎盛典 CLE Night & China Licensing Star Awards Ceremony
-IP卡通形象大巡游 Cartoon Characters Parade
-中國品牌授權專題研討會 China Licensing Conference Thematic Session
9、主辦介紹 | Organizer
中國玩具和嬰童用品協會成立于1986 年,為國資委和民政部歸口管理的全國性行業協會,是非營利性社會組織,是中國的全國性玩具和嬰童用品行業社團組織,是中國***指定的中國玩具和嬰童用品行業在國際玩具工業理事會(ICTI)的合法代表。中玩協會員包括從事玩具、嬰童用品、品牌授權和學前教育及相關領域的企事業單位、社會團體。2007年開始涉足品牌授權行業,通過中玩協品牌授權專委會開展工作。14 年來 , 通過開展行業規劃、統計分析、人才培養、信息宣傳、展覽展示等工作 , 引導和促進中國品牌授權行業的健康持續發展。中玩協為 CLE 中國授權展的主辦方(中玩恒大會展服務(北京)有限公司承辦),配合文旅部和國家文物局等***機構舉辦品牌授權的相關活動。并與超過 26 個行業協會和展會合作等方式,引導和促進被授權企業借力授權促進實體經濟高質量發展。
The Organizer of China Licensing Expo, the China Toy & Juvenile Products Association (CTJPA) is a non-profit trade organization dedicated to the toy, kids products preschool products, and licensing industry, and the only national association supported by the Chinese government in the industry since 1986. CTJPA receives strong support from China’s Ministry of Culture, State Administration for Industry & Commerce, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the P.R. China, etc, and now has become a leading role in China’s licensing industry. By 2019, the registered membership of TJPA has surpassed 5,000 companies. With strong licensing demand from its membership companies, also to help them gain competitiveness in the market, CTJPA is working with more efforts to meet the demand and provide a platform connecting every aspect in the licensing field for the market.

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